The Baby Naming Experience

Maryanna's Process

quote_openSoon after I started teaching, I noticed students with the same name were amazingly similar. That got me curious about the influence of names. Researching ancient tradition, the effect of sound on behavior, and language archetypes… I came to appreciate the art of naming, while discovering that on an energetic level, we all play a role in choosing our own names.quote_close

Behavioral Naming

Names affect personality, who we become, the choices we make in life, and our relationships. We are all molded by our names. For example, you may know several Jasons who just can’t stand still or a Stephanie who cries at the drop of a hat. It only makes sense to carefully check out personality traits related to names you are considering for your baby.

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Name Equations

Every name carries an encoded numerical pattern. These number patterns represent the names’ energetic effect on a personality. They also influence others’ perceptions about what a name means. Name math™ gives you an insider’s edge with baby naming. You can mix and match patterns or equations to create the most powerful, balanced, and harmonious full name.


Often it’s difficult for parents to agree on a first or even middle name for their child. Whether Dad insists on naming the baby after himself or Mom prefers to honor her family, an expert who understands the nuances of naming can shed light on real issues and offer satisfying resolution.

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Listening to your Baby

We truly do choose our names before birth. The trick is, relaying that name to our parents. Dreams can sometimes work, or a fetal kick at just the right moment. But even more effective is providing Baby with an actual vibrational tool that can open lines of communication between child and parents. A reading with archetypal baby naming cards can provide information on the first and middle name “type” a baby wants, as well as the reasons for choosing a particular mom, dad and extended family.

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